Saturday, December 26, 2020

Is Network Marketing for You?

The thing of it is...Network Marketing isn't easy!

Were you led to believe that it was?

Just curious whether you can identify with what I have experienced...

When I was introduced to network marketing oh so many years ago, I thought it was literally the smartest idea anyone had ever come up with. I honestly couldn't imagine why everyone wasn't doing it. 

As I began to work at  building a network, I also began to find out WHY everyone wasn't doing it!

It was downright hard!

I hated the phone!

I hated "selling!"

I really had a hard time keeping up with required monthly autoship orders.

Then there were such horrible and unfair compensation plans with requirements that were almost impossible to meet. And leaders who didn't know what they were doing! Oh my!

So when my husband joined yet another network marketing program eight and a half years ago, I wasn't too happy. There had been so many disappointments!

But this one was different. 

I began to have hope that I could actually do this. And I had a greater level of success than I had had before in any other company. But I was still frustrated because my downline people weren't able to duplicate my success. Many couldn't even get their products paid for. And that really was frustrating!

It was frustrating for my upline also. And he took the bull by the horns and did something about it.

He created a system that works for anyone and everyone, whether they are new to network marketing or experienced in it. What a difference it makes when anyone, even those without special people skills, can have success just like those who are "Chatty Cathy" personalities!

I love it! For the first time, my downline can succeed! All they have to do is ask!

Maybe you thought network marketing wasn't for you or maybe you thought it was, but have been frustrated just like I was. 

Is it time to give it another look?

If so, please accept this free e-book as a gift from me and from my sponsor, Tim Darnell. And hopefully it will rekindle the spark of excitement about network marketing that you once had!

It may be the game-changer you've been looking for!

Meanwhile, since I'm writing this on the day after Christmas, I want to wish you a very prosperous and Happy New Year and I trust that your Christmas, if you celebrate the coming of Christ, was very special!

Sharon Reece, Queen of Excuses

P.S. If you purchase anything through any links in my blogs, I'm required to let you know that I may earn commissions. Thank you for following me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Lessons from the Little Engine that Could

 As I was running yesterday morning, which is something I do 3 mornings a week, I was thinking about the children's storybook, The Little Engine That Could.

I'm training for a marathon which, by the way, is entirely different than training for a sprint!

The training includes running 3 days a week, strength training 3 days a week and recovery work on the other day. So it's a pretty demanding schedule for me at 73 years young!

But as I ran yesterday, it became clear to me that in running, just like in business, and in relationships; and really in anything that matters, we can choose to be like "the Little Engine that Could." As she toiled to pull the train up the hill, she continually repeated, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." And that became a self-fulfilling prophetic word. And she could!

So many times we say to ourselves or even declare out loud, "I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this." And that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And we can't.

It's a choice that we reinforce with our words!

In reality, we are right if we say we can and we're right if we say we can't. The choice is entirely ours.

If you go back and read the book, you'll see that there were two engines that came along and refused to help the one that was in trouble. Even sadder than "I can't" is "I won't!"

So which one are you. What is your goal? Or do you even have one? And what are you willing to do and say to make sure you accomplish it?

Make it a great day!


Queen of Excuses

P.S. Even sadder is the choice to not risk trying. I have been using a nutritional system for the past 8+ years that has literally changed my life and my health and well-being yet many refuse to even try it because it requires a change in habits. And it even has a 30-day empty box guarantee! If you are one of those who says, "I think I can" it's time for you to check it out and see if it's for you. Here is the link: Let me know if you need help.

P.P.S. And if you'd like to generate residual cash flow, go here: This is a link to a free downloadable book written by my mentor and friend, Tim Darnell.

P.P.P.S. Yes, I need to disclose that these are links through which I may earn money if you decide to purchase anything. And if you do make a purchase, I'll appreciate it very much.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Too Busy!

The thing of it is...we're all busy!

If this shutdown due to Covid-19 has shown us anything, it's that most of us were too busy. It felt good to slow down a bit.

Nevertheless, one of the biggest excuses I hear from people as a reason not to start their own business or get involved in a network marketing business, is that they are too busy!

I used that one myself!

I love network marketing. I fell in love with it and believed in it from the first time I heard of it. Lack of belief has never been my excuse!

But 8 years ago when my husband got started in our current business, I was overwhelmingly busy - or so I thought.

I was growing a commercial garden (which I also loved) - getting up at the crack of dawn every morning to care for the garden while it was still cool, going back out again for several hours in the late afternoon and evening every single day. Then getting up before the crack of dawn on Saturdays to get to the market on time to sell my vegetables, herbs and fruit.

It was grueling work.

On top of that, during the school year, I was homeschooling my grandson, keeping my family fed, making jams and pickles, breads and desserts to sell at the market. 

During that time we were also coordinating seminars, writing a book, running a ministry.

Too busy!

But after a few months of watching my husband flounder trying to grow his network, I finally jumped in to help with the little time I had leftover.

And through a lot of personal growth as well as blood, sweat and tears, we were able to achieve the coveted rank of crystal executive in our company.

All in spite of being too busy!

Now as we are growing our network to the next level, we have a new tool in our arsenal that works for us even while we sleep! If you'd like access to this tool, check out my P.S. at the bottom of this page. 

The goal is to create Residual Cash Flow that doesn't depend on exchanging hours for dollars.

I cringe when I think of how many hours I traded for how few dollars when I was doing my commercial garden. It was absolutely ridiculous!

Here's to doing work once that results in getting paid over and over and over again! That's why I love network marketing.

All the best to you!
Sharon - Queen of Excuses

P.S. If you'd like to have your network marketing business recruit and build on autopilot, download Tim Darnell's book, BOMBSHELL - Recruiting on Autopilot. It's free. And it's a good place to get started.

And if you're looking for a platform to build an internet business based on your expertise, take a look at this tool I'm using. It's a complete platform for building a business for yourself. Solo Build It

P.P.S. As required by law, I need to let you know that I may earn commissions on any of the links used in this blogpost.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Pride Barrier

The thing is...pride is ugly!

It says, "I'm right!"

It says, "I don't need help!"

It says, "I know better than you!"

Need I continue?

It is a serious character flaw that can cause enormous problems for you and those around you.

I was reminded of this the other day by a story my daughter told me about a friend (who will remain nameless) who was too proud to accept help to resolve a situation that he really needed help to resolve. We offered help as friends, his father offered help, others offered help but he refused because of his pride. In the end, his situation was made worse and everyone sees why except him.

Oh my! Have I ever been there and done that! But God didn't abandon me. He kept putting me into situations that required me to deal with this character flaw head on.

I remember the day well. I was sick with infectious hepatitis - so sick that I was prohibited from even wiping off the table after a meal. I was ordered to do absolutely nothing. I was on complete bed rest. And I was in quarantine. Needless to say, I was frustrated and angry. In addition, I had a very active 2 year old to keep track of.

One day, that very active 2 year old spilled his drink at the table. (I had just been sitting in front of my plate, picking at my food, but unable to force much of my food in.) When the milk spilled, it was the last straw. I blew up!

I stomped to my bedroom, slammed the door and threw myself on the bed. And I cried out to God.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

The response in my spirit was almost immediate. Although it wasn't an audible voice, it certainly "sounded" like it.

"I'll take your anger, your pride, your self-righteousness, and..." was His response. I can't remember all the items He enumerated, but those were the main ones.

"Take them," I said. "I am sick and tired of them."

And a transaction took place at that moment that literally changed my life.

I dried my tears, went back to the dining room and my husband met me with a hug. He said, "You're going to be OK." I said, "I already am."

In those few minutes in the bedroom, God brought healing to my body, soul and spirit.

When I got back to the table to finish my meal, I had no trouble eating. I finished up all the food on my plate. It was miraculous!

We often talk about swallowing our pride. I think that applies in so many areas of our lives if we desire to grow and be compassionate, contributing members of society including the business arena.

Quickly and easily admitting when we've made a wrong decision or when we've ignored someone's help is a critical character trait that we all could improve upon.

Maybe this will help you in some way. I hope so. Don't let pride be an excuse that keeps you stuck.


Sharon Reece
Queen of Excuses

P.S. If this makes sense to you, I'd like to invite you to grab a copy of a new book, BOMBSHELL - Recruiting on Autopilot, written by my good friend and mentor, Tim Darnell. Then join us in changing the world!

And if you like the idea of multiple streams of income, let me introduce you to an amazing tool you can use to build an internet business from home based around your area of expertise. Solo Build It!

P.P.S. As required by law, I may earn commissions when you purchase anything I recommend in my blogposts.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I was/am a missionary!

The thing is...I'm a missionary.

Does that also mean that I cannot be an entrepreneur?

I must admit that it took me a looooonnng time to get past my missionary mindset to the point of being able to reconcile the two. Even though I truly felt the calling to be both a missionary and an entrepreneur, it definitely caused some conflict inside.

And I believe strongly in this double calling just like the Apostle Paul who went about preaching the gospel, while supporting himself by his profession of making tents.

But I definitely had some of the "what will people think" and "what will people say" mentality. I hung unto that one for way too long and used it as one of my excuses. I am, after all, the Queen of Excuses!

Even though, as "faith" missionaries, we saw God provide for us in miraculous and amazing ways over the years, we definitely had that poverty mentality. Yes, we gave in so many ways, but our ability to give monetarily was extremely limited. And although we never actually went hungry, our budget was often very tight.

I'll never forget the time we were on a furlough and living with my husband's parents. Neither of us were very good with putting together a wardrobe that would be acceptable in Dallas. In fact, all the clothes we brought back with us from the mission field were very dingy, faded and inappropriate for use outside the 4 walls of our home!

So we asked our mission's local home office to help us with our wardrobe. I think the person who came to see what we already had was pretty shocked at what she saw. We were forthwith each given a "shopping trip." I learned so much from that experience. For one thing, I learned that clothes determine whether you "fit in" and are accepted - or not! I also learned how to dress for the classic look using things that would always be in style!

But I digress!

Inside of me was always that burning desire to be more, do more, contribute more!

I eventually and mostly because I had no choice, abandoned the missionary mindset and excuse and became an entrepreneur! It took many books, much training, and a great deal of personal mentoring, among other things, to break old habits and ways of thinking and adopt an abundance mentality rather than a scarcity mentality!
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

If any of this makes sense to you and if I can help you in any way, I'll be happy to do so!

Queen of Excuses

P.S. If you have a desire to build Kingdom wealth that will enable you to give more both financially and in many other ways, please feel free to download this book, BOMBSHELL - Recruiting on Autopilot written by my friend and mentor, Tim Darnell.

P.P.S. In compliance with law, I must let you know that any links you purchase from could result in my earning a commission.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Fear of Rejection

The thing is...none of us want to feel rejection.

The reality is...many of us struggle with it every day.

So let's just say you joined a network marketing company. You're absolutely blown away by the quality of the products your new company offers and you're excited, to say the least!

You start to tell your friends and family about your amazing new business and products.

Then kabam! You just hit the brick wall of rejection! That's because in reality, only your mother will join you and many of your other friends and family will laugh at you or think you are crazy. And some will even ridicule you.

So the next time a situation arises that would be an ideal time and way for you to share your company and products, guess what?! FEAR of REJECTION will raise it's ugly head and you won't be able to get a word out of your mouth even though you know you have a solution to the very problem they are frustrated about.

Let me tell you from experience that fear of rejection is paralyzing!

Trust me. I know. When I was in second grade, having been promoted mid-year from first to second, we moved to a new town and new school district where no one had ever been promoted after only one semester of first grade. The principal didn't know what to do with me! Does this scared and timid little girl belong in first grade or second grade?

Instead of making an adult executive decision, that principal took me into the second grade class, stood me in front of the second graders and asked them whether they wanted me in their class or not. DUH! Obviously, they voted unanimously to reject me and just like that I was put back in first grade and FEAR of REJECTION became my decades-long companion.

Whenever anyone asked if they could talk with me, my immediate reaction would be that of an irrational fear of rejection. My hands would begin to sweat and my heart would beat 100 miles an hour. What kind of rejection was I about to face? 

Usually none.

Perhaps something similar happened to you and you've struggled with fear of rejection.

And by the way, I forgave that principal and the second graders long ago. But it wasn't until fairly recently that I was (mostly) freed of that fear of rejection thanks to the grace of God. 

So when I found network marketing and fell in love with it, one big dilemma and an excuse I used many, many times was my struggle with fear of rejection. Many times I let my fear steal a blessing from my prospective customer by keeping my mouth shut.

But thanks to technology and the internet, there is now a way for me to help thousands of people without ever having to face rejection. My friend and mentor, Tim Darnell, has created a system that enables virtually anyone to be successful in network marketing without having to deal with rejection or the myriad of other excuses people might give for not wanting to utilize this amazing and powerful business model - one of the few that can create the financial freedom that residual cash flow can provide for you and your family.

I'd love to give you Tim's new book as an electronic download so you can get a glimpse of what this system can do for you. Just click the link to get yours.

I wish you all the best in this difficult time of quarantine we're experiencing now in 2020. There is no better time than right now to get started on creating your own residual cash flow.

Sharon Reece
Queen of Excuses

P.S. You can download Tim's book, BOMBSHELL - Recruiting on Autopilot here.

P.P.S. Just to be compliant, any links you click on, may result in my earning a commission.

Monday, April 20, 2020

I Hate the Telephone!

The thing is...the telephone has never been my friend. And I have never been its friend either!

I probably had some kind of telephone-related traumatic experience as a child. Who knows?!

In any case, I have always hated talking on the telephone. If someone calls, I will talk and I'll actually enjoy it but I'm not going to be the one to give you a call unless there just is no other option.

So after we got involved in network marketing (which I love), I was suddenly up against an obstacle that seemed insurmountable.

I hated making telephone calls!

If you've been around network marketing or multi-level marketing at all, you know that your sponsor will give you your first assignment. Make a list of at least 100 names and start calling them!

Panic mode for me!

I was fine with making my list but then I created a million excuses not to call any of those people. Just the thought of calling would cause my hands to sweat, my voice to come out in a thin, wispy thread and my whole body to shake.

I don't know who else can identify but I needed a lot of self-talk, self-help, mindset growth and reinforcement that I could do this. And eventually I was able to make it to the point of qualifying (together with my husband) for our company's executive rank.

So I truly was the Queen of Excuses when it came to picking up the telephone.

Imagine my delight, excitement and relief when my sponsor and mentor, Tim Darnell, decided that he was going to develop a system that could be used by anyone in network marketing to recruit on auto-pilot WITHOUT having to call anyone or even talk to anyone!

Maybe you extroverts can't even identify with what I'm talking about! But I'm sure there are some introverts out there who can.

To those people who are my tribe, I invite you to investigate this new way of doing business by downloading Tim Darnell's new book, BOMBSHELL - Recruiting on Auto-pilot. There will be a link in the P.S. down below or you can try the book cover.

To the rest of you who love talking on the phone, I wish you well! May you find people at home and willing to answer your call.

Meanwhile, I'll be putting things out there that will gather my tribe and help them achieve success whether they love or hate the telephone!


Sharon Reece
Queen of Excuses

P.S. If you have a desire to grow your team in spite of obstacles, I invite you to grab your free download of Tim's book. It may be your first step to real success.

P.P.S. To be compliant with laws and regulations, I must tell you that any links you might purchase from, could result in a commission for me. (And thank you!)

Sunday, April 12, 2020

God's Impossible Love Story

It's true! God's love story for you begins with the impossible!

If you're not familiar with the story of how God made a covenant with Abram, I would recommend that you go back to the Old Testament and read about Abram and Sarai - Genesis chapters 12, 15, 17 and 18 to understand some of the background.

The story is one of impossibilities! As the angel of the Lord explains God's plan to Abram, he says in Genesis 18:14:
"Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
God had already told Abram back in Genesis 12:3:
"I will bless those who bless you. And I will curse him who curses you. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
Genesis 17:1-6 expands on this when the Lord comes to change Abram's name to Abraham, meaning the father of multitudes. In verse 4 He says:
"As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations." 

But there was a problem! Abram was 100 and Sarai was 90, both long past the age of childbearing. Sarai took things into her own hands and had a child via her handmaiden. But God made it very clear that this promise of a multitude of descendants was to come through Abraham and Sarah, not any other way!

And God was true to His word and Isaac was born in their old age. He was the son of the promise.

In the New Testament, Paul explains to the Romans, the mystery of faith. Even though the law was given to the Jewish people, salvation by grace through faith has been given to all people, both Jews and Gentiles. It always has been and always will be. Romans chapter 4 goes into detail, explaining all of this. But it is summarized in verses 16 and 17:
"Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all (as it is written, 'I have made you a father of many nations') in the presence of him whom he believed -- God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as through they did." 
So we come to Easter! It's a story filled with the impossible.

And as I was running 10 km (in my backyard) this morning, I was contemplating the awesomeness of the Resurrection.

It's a case of "God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did." (Romans 4:17) 

But the Resurrection isn't the only IMPOSSIBLE part of this story! It goes far beyond this.

The real impossibility is that Jesus would willingly lay down his life to pay the debt each one of us owed because of our sin and rebellion against God. No one took it from him. If He had wanted to, He could have called down a legion of angels to rescue Him from the cross.

Romans 5:6-8 explains it this way:
"For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
When God raised Jesus from the grave, He once and for all vanquished both death and the fear of death. Ephesians 2 tells us that the same power God used to raise Jesus from the dead is the same power He has made available to us. Because He lives, we can have eternal life. All we have to do is believe - just like Abraham believed so long ago.

In Ephesians 2:8 and 9, the apostle Paul explains it this way:
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."
So my question is - what are you going to do with the cross and with the Resurrection? This is God's impossible love story written to you. Are you listening?

Sharon Reece
Queen of Excuses

P.S. If you have believed as a result of what I've written, I'd love to know about it. You can contact me in the comments or find me on Facebook, where I am SharonReece1.

P.P.S. If you have a Kingdom mentality and would love to work with a team that also has a Kingdom vision, please check out this link: click here! We'd love to have you join us.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The "Too Sick" Excuse

I was the Queen of Excuses. It's because I lived from excuse to excuse and have come out on the other side, that I now have the authority to speak on this subject.

Being a queen of excuses can complicate even the normal tasks of life

One of the excuses I have used the most over my lifetime has been the excuse of not feeling well. And truthfully, being sick is one of the biggest hindrances to accomplishing anything. It's what you might call a "legitimate" excuse. It makes one feel helpless and hopeless - or at least that's how I felt.

I picked up amoeba when I was in Mexico during my training for missions. Every time I ate anything, I felt absolutely terrible. The seasoned missionaries told me that the medicine to cure the amoeba was worse than the amoeba itself. 

Unfortunately, I believed them. 

And because I didn't take the treatment - since I was pretty sure I would die if I did - the amoeba became chronic, causing me great pain and discomfort for many, many years. 

It also kept me from accomplishing many of the things I really wanted to accomplish. It was a very real and legitimate excuse! 

It wasn't until about 10 or 11 years later that I had to take medicine for another issue. That medicine was like magic! In one very easy dose - voila! Not only did it resolve the condition for which it was prescribed but the chronic amoeba vanished and I had my life back.

I could scarcely believe it!

Suddenly my "legitimate" excuse was gone! And I was jumping for joy!

I'd love to tell you that that was the end of my excuses, but there were other times of sickness awaiting me. Malaria - on several different occasions. A serious complication during my second pregnancy. Infectious hepatitis with a relapse. Other parasites. Not to mention the normal colds, flu, etc.
John 10:10 says: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 
The thief mentioned here is Satan. His goal is to steal, kill and destroy. One of the ways he does that is through sickness.

As I'm writing this, we are right in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis and that brings this whole thing into a unique focus. 

God's plan has always been to redeem people from this fallen world and bring them into His Kingdom of light, love and hope. We find that in Colossians 1:13 and 14.
13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 

14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
What an amazing gift! I just had to mention it here in case you have never received it.

The process of releasing and getting beyond my excuses was a long one. 

I struggled with many more over the years. Much personal growth through books, podcasts, seminars and mentoring were essential.

I'll be sharing many of those struggles and my breakthroughs in this blog. I hope they will be helpful and encouraging to you.

May you experience your own personal breakthrough by allowing God to rescue you from the dominion of darkness and transfer you to the kingdom of His Son, Jesus. 

Sharon Reece

P.S. If you are interested in a growing business that provides residual cash flow, please check out my friend's book by clicking on this link. It's a free download.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Abundance in the Midst of Scarcity!

I look all around me and see such abundance. It's everywhere! All you have to do is open your eyes and look.

So in the midst of the 2020 Coronavirus panic and the dire predictions of gloom and doom and failed economy, etc, what should be our posture? How should you and I position ourselves as entrepreneurs? And how should we be thinking as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ?

It's really all about mindset. You can either see abundance or you can see scarcity and the choice is really up to each one of us.

As I thought about writing this blog post, a story from II Kings, chapters 6 and 7 came to mind. (Because everything I do goes through the grid of my faith.) I had to go back and read it to refresh my memory. Go ahead and find a Bible and do the same because this story will encourage you.

The story begins in II Kings 6:24 (NIV - New International Version).
24 Some time later, Ben-Hadad king of Aram mobilized his entire army and marched up and laid siege to Samaria. 25 There was a great famine in the city; the siege lasted so long that a donkey’s head sold for eighty shekels of silver, and a quarter of a cab of seed pods for five shekels.
The city of Samaria, under the king of Israel, was under siege from the Arameans led by Ben-Hadad their king. The situation was so dire that the people were killing and eating their own children. The king of Israel began to blame all the trouble on God and on His prophet Elisha. In verse 33, this is what he says:
The king said, “This disaster is from the Lord. Why should I wait for the Lord any longer?”
Isn't that so typical of all of us in the midst of difficulty? We normally look for someone to blame.

But in spite of all of this unbelief, scarcity and despair, the prophet Elisha responds with this in verse 1 of chapter 7:
Elisha replied, “Hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.” 
Since the king had given up on getting any help from the Lord, you can just imagine how little hope and little faith the people had! In fact, this is what the king's officer said:
The officer on whose arm the king was leaning said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?”
“You will see it with your own eyes,” answered Elisha, “but you will not eat any of it!”
What can we learn from this? For one thing, we need to be able to see beyond the scarcity and adversity and with the eyes of faith, look to see what God is doing. None of this current situation with the coronavirus took Him by surprise, just like none of what happened during this siege was unknown to Him. We have to trust in the promises that He made to us. He is the one whose name is Healer, whose name is Provider, whose name is I AM. He is the one we need. And in Him is abundance!

The rest of the story is pretty remarkable - almost unbelievable. God used 5 lepers who were starving to step out in faith and go to the camp of the enemy. They were starving anyway, so why not take their chances and maybe find some food. What they found instead was an empty enemy camp. The Lord had routed the enemy and they had fled in terror and haste.

Even the king didn't believe it when the lepers came to the palace with the good news. After he checked out the story by sending 5 men out to see what had happened, the whole city rejoiced. The abundance in the enemy's camp was so great that there was plenty for everyone.

When Elisha said there would be abundance, this was what the king's officer had said (and the Bible repeats the earlier conversation:
19 The officer had said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?” 
Wow! What unbelief! Here is the end of the story:
The man of God had replied, “You will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of it!” 20 And that is exactly what happened to him, for the people trampled him in the gateway, and he died.
Our God is the God of abundance and of provision. His ways of providing for us and for all those who trust in Him are often beyond our understanding. And His timing is His alone. I'm sure He could have orchestrated all of these circumstances sooner, if that had been His plan.

God is still on His throne. I, for one, am looking forward to the great good God is going to bring forth through this world wide Coronavirus pandemic.

What mindset are you choosing to have? That of faith? Or that of unbelief? Are you trusting or are you casting blame?

Sharon Reece

P.S. If you're looking for a way to create residual cash flow that can literally be God's provision for you no matter if you lose your job, have a health crisis or whatever, click here for more information. I'd love to show you how.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Poverty Mindset to Residual Cash Flow

Many years ago I was introduced to a concept that gave me tingles of excitement and sleepless nights!

Can you guess what that concept was?

It was the concept of exponential growth resulting in residual cash flow.

Summed up in one phrase, it was my introduction to network marketing.

The whole idea was completely new to me back in the 90's and I just couldn't imagine why everyone didn't embrace this business model. It was the most logical idea I had ever heard in my 40+ years of life. Not only that, but I wondered why no one had ever taken the time to show me this business model sooner.

You must understand a little about me and my background. I grew up with an intense poverty mindset. I was very embarrassed when I was in my teens that our family was on welfare and had to go to the county seat once a month to pick up "groceries!" The only problem was that most of what we received was not the kind of food that was part of our normal diet. Peanut butter (none of us liked peanut butter sandwiches), dried beans (which my mother never did figure out how to make so that they were palatable), powdered milk (yuck!), etc. I don't even remember if there was a single desirable food item among all of those "groceries" but I assume we must have received some useful things or my dad wouldn't have continued to go and get them.

I was 2nd oldest of 8 children so everything I owned was either passed on to me from my older sister or other relatives or friends, or was made by my mother. My most outstanding memory was the yellow and black dress she made for me that was so ugly I could hardly bear it. Yellow is not my color - never has been and never will be! When I took Home Economics class in Junior High, I began to make my own clothes so I had a few things that were new - but never store bought.

Christmas was always a disappointment as there was never enough to go around and I felt like I was always slighted on the gift end. But I tried my best to help make sure my younger siblings never felt that way.

Fortunately we had a garden and I loved gardening, as did my mother. It was a great gift to me when we had enough strawberries and/or raspberries for ourselves and to sell to our neighbors. She would let me keep half the earnings from the berries in exchange for doing the backbreaking work of picking them. I also managed to earn a small amount of spending money from babysitting, but most of it I put into a savings account to use for college. I was determined to go to college from the time I was little. And, thanks to a need-based scholarship and my good grades, I was able to graduate from the University of Wisconsin with no school debt. That in itself was miraculous!

Everything was a struggle! Can you relate? The struggle sucks, doesn't it?!

I had such a poverty mindset, that I felt completely and totally inferior to everyone around me. I buried myself in books, but was careful to only read the ones that were on at least 2 of the 3 college bound recommended reading lists I had acquired from somewhere. I was the ultimate introvert.

So you can only imagine how amazing network marketing and residual cash flow sounded to me!

But it was a struggle, too. There were years of marginal success, but I always believed and knew deep down inside that it was worth doing! Slowly but surely over the years, my mindset changed. And my actions changed until last spring, my husband and I achieved a rank in our company that was worth recognition. Much of that was due to the belief and mentoring poured into us by our good friend, sponsor and mentor, Tim Darnell. Tim has written several books including 10 Secrets for Network Marketing Success, BOMBSHELL - Recruiting on Autopilot, and Facebook Ads Authority. He has been an entrepreneur all his life and has achieved great success in network marketing. His desire is to provide a system for others to achieve success as well, without all the struggle. And his insights were critical to enabling me to get rid of the poverty mindset. 

In addition, it helped immensely that we were not willing to give up - ever!

Now more than ever in these uncertain times, RESIDUAL CASH FLOW (RCF), is priceless. It is income that continues to be added to my bank account regardless of how many hours I work in a particular week, and it is the one type of income that is there even in times of distress and calamity. It does not involve trading hours for dollars, but rather involves putting in the work (and it does take work) to receive the rewards over and over and over again.

I knew there was a reason this kept me awake at night!

P.S. If you're tired of the struggle and would like more information so that you can begin to create your own Residual Cash Flow, just click on this link. It's never too late!