Does that also mean that I cannot be an entrepreneur?
I must admit that it took me a looooonnng time to get past my missionary mindset to the point of being able to reconcile the two. Even though I truly felt the calling to be both a missionary and an entrepreneur, it definitely caused some conflict inside.
And I believe strongly in this double calling just like the Apostle Paul who went about preaching the gospel, while supporting himself by his profession of making tents.
But I definitely had some of the "what will people think" and "what will people say" mentality. I hung unto that one for way too long and used it as one of my excuses. I am, after all, the Queen of Excuses!
Even though, as "faith" missionaries, we saw God provide for us in miraculous and amazing ways over the years, we definitely had that poverty mentality. Yes, we gave in so many ways, but our ability to give monetarily was extremely limited. And although we never actually went hungry, our budget was often very tight.
I'll never forget the time we were on a furlough and living with my husband's parents. Neither of us were very good with putting together a wardrobe that would be acceptable in Dallas. In fact, all the clothes we brought back with us from the mission field were very dingy, faded and inappropriate for use outside the 4 walls of our home!
So we asked our mission's local home office to help us with our wardrobe. I think the person who came to see what we already had was pretty shocked at what she saw. We were forthwith each given a "shopping trip." I learned so much from that experience. For one thing, I learned that clothes determine whether you "fit in" and are accepted - or not! I also learned how to dress for the classic look using things that would always be in style!
But I digress!
Inside of me was always that burning desire to be more, do more, contribute more!
I eventually and mostly because I had no choice, abandoned the missionary mindset and excuse and became an entrepreneur! It took many books, much training, and a great deal of personal mentoring, among other things, to break old habits and ways of thinking and adopt an abundance mentality rather than a scarcity mentality!
If any of this makes sense to you and if I can help you in any way, I'll be happy to do so!
Queen of Excuses
P.S. If you have a desire to build Kingdom wealth that will enable you to give more both financially and in many other ways, please feel free to download this book, BOMBSHELL - Recruiting on Autopilot written by my friend and mentor, Tim Darnell.
P.P.S. In compliance with law, I must let you know that any links you purchase from could result in my earning a commission.
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